We all need help sometimes…

For the big things, there’s midwifery. For the little things, here’s a list!

Pregnancy & Birth

Evidence Based Birth

EBB’s goal is to gather non-biased information on various pregnancy and birth related topics so families can educate themselves without doing hours of research. They have articles on many hot-button birth subjects like GBS, Vitamin K, and more.

Choices in Childbirth

The Every Mother Counts organization put together a series of educational video chapters designed to educate all families on their rights and options for their birth. Whether you birth in the hospital or at home, these courses may help you to familiarize yourself with the birthing model in different settings and how to advocate for your wants and needs. 

Waterbirth International

Learn more about water birth including expectations, risks and benefits, how to prepare, and more. Many online courses are available to help parents and professionals of all levels support birthing in water. 

Spinning Babies

Spinning Babies presents positions, stretches, and exercises that can be done throughout pregnancy or in specific moments to help baby get into the best position for labor, or for better comfort in pregnancy. There are also many free YouTube videos demonstrating the techniques shown on this site. 


Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) is a safe alternative for most parents who have previously experienced a cesarean birth. Although only a licensed professional can determine safety and risk factors for each individual, learning more about VBAC and how to support your body’s natural birthing process can help all parents prepare for an attempted VBAC. 

Childbirth Connection

This site is another great source of information about planning and care for your pregnancy and birth. Explore basic comparisons between different models of care, and learn about how your options may differ between providers and birthing location. 

Postpartum & Parenting

Holistic Moms Network

The Holistic Moms Network is a nationwide organization connecting families with a similar mindset for natural living and parenting. Connect with your local chapter to benefit from community events, support from other parents, and group learning opportunities. 

Driving While Pregnant

This guide details tips on how to remain safe if you’re driving while pregnant. Although driving in pregnancy is generally safe, there are some helpful things to know which are thoughtfully put together on this site. 

Mother to Baby

Mother to Baby provides information about the safety most over the counter and prescription medications during pregnancy and postpartum. You can look up a medication and find out whether it’s safe to use while pregnant or breastfeeding, and more information.  

Cerebral Palsy Guide

This website has one of the most in-depth collections of resources and guides for families caring for children with cerebral palsy and other special needs. 


La Leche League

La Leche League International is an organization dedicated to supporting breastfeeding and feeding babies human milk. Your local chapter can often help connect you with professional lactation support, locate donor milk if you are in need or accept donations from abundant suppliers, and host meetings to connect families with others who are breastfeeding.

Lactation Link

The Lactation Link site includes courses and information to help families prepare for breastfeeding as well as pumping and storing milk. 

Inducing Lactation

Whether you’re adopting a baby or a non-gestational parent, inducing lactation is possible! This page from La Leche League includes a basic breakdown of how lactation can be induced, as well as other resources for further research and planning. Please note this process involves hormonal augmentation and should be done with the support of a trained provider. 


Another great site with courses preparing families for breastfeeding, pumping and storing milk, returning to work around feeding, and more. 

Reproductive Wellness

Pap / Cervical Cancer Screening

View a breakdown as well as a detailed explanation of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)’s current recommendations for cervical cancer screening (Pap test). 

STI Testing

Learn more about the Center for Disease Control’s current recommendations regarding regular screening for sexually transmitted infections. 

Birth Control Delivery

Whether you have insurance or not, NURX offers delivery for multiple methods of hormonal birth control, including Plan B / the morning after pill. Consultation, prescription, and payment can all be done online to avoid waiting for a doctor’s visit. 

If you feel there’s a resource missing, please let me know so I can expand this list!